Why partner with Continent 8 in the US for iGaming?

Our Chief Product Officer Justin Cosnett discusses Continent 8’s commitment to the US and the connectivity and security solutions available to customers looking to capitalise on the fast growing market.

We have an edge in every state:

  • We are the first to market with an iGaming focus
  • We are regulated as necessary in each state
  • We have reliable in-state and out of state connectivity
  • We offer secure co-location, private or public cloud options

Opening in every state iGaming needs

2021 is a pivotal year for sports betting in the USA with 19 states set to decide on legalising online sports betting.

Continent 8 (C8) has pursued a strategy of providing services to iGaming in every suitable US state.  This considerable and challenging expansion has delivered a first-to-market capability for our customers with a single supplier they know can meet their needs.  The table below shows where we are as of February 2021, and we anticipate a further 8-10 states or more coming online throughout 2021.

We are regulated

The table above doesn’t just show we have opened in each state, but also that we have obtained the necessary regulatory approval, and even brought multi-site options for customers to enable in-state DR or Primary and Secondary capabilities to meet operational or compliance requirements.

We deliver reliable connectivity

In every location, C8 ensures we have dual diverse connection back to the C8 global backbone mixed with a local in-state provision.  This enables us to monitor and manage tier 1 blended internet peering as well as deliver private connectivity from production environments in-state; to corporate environments, or Hyperscale cloud providers (like AWS, Azure and GCP), or even to B2B partners, like sports data providers.  This highly available and scalable connectivity means we can provide low latency, reduced hop, guaranteed point to point packet delivery.  It’s not only central to our connect product portfolio, but also underpins our secure DDoS and WAF services.

We bring in-state capability

C8 doesn’t build a facility in every location, in many we will partner with one or several providers, as there is no single provider with a truly total US owned facility coverage.  We ensure internet connectivity is delivered to customers to guarantee an in-state service delivered in a standard method from a single supplier for contracting, operational support and commercial benefits.

Below is an illustrative C8 in-state facility topology showing the advantages, with highly resilient out of state private connectivity and tier 1 peering, as well as DDoS protected internet and even DR or secondary site capability:

Secure co-location, cloud or both

Also shown in the above topology via this repeatable platform, are services to deliver different reference infrastructure models to support iGaming – whether Casino, Sportsbook or even Live dealer.  In some states, as regulation requires, we bring a dual site capability to support active / active or backup service.  This could be customer infrastructure in a co-location offering or C8 Private Cloud with a managed infrastructure as a service solution.

Additionally we support extension of hyperscale cloud service to an in-state edge via an AWS Outpost or potentially Azure Stack, delivered behind a network as a service (NEaaS) solution.

In summary, C8 is expanding rapidly in the US and has the experience and technologies to enable rapid growth for iGaming customers. Can C8 help you expand in the US? Get in touch via americas@continent8.com

Justin Cosnett, Chief Product Officer at Continent 8 Technologies. With 20+ years’ experience in the hosting and SaaS sectors in a number of customer facing roles, Justin has a strong technical background. He joined Continent 8 in 2012 and was Head of Solution Architect before being promoted to Chief Product Officer. 

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