Coronavirus (COVID-19) - continuity plans and situation update (March 18)

Following yesterday’s update, over the past 24 hours, a number of our co-location partners have implemented additional steps to manage and reduce physical risk at their data centre sites, whilst maintaining availability and service.

At this time all sites are operating normally and remote hands services remain available at all sites.

Revised data centre access arrangements

To minimise the risk of operational impact and for the health and safety of your employees, our employees, site security and our communities, we now ask that customers adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Restrict physical data centre visits to critical works only
  • Leverage remote hands services whenever possible to reduce the number of people on site – giving as much notice as possible
  • It can be expected that demand for remote hands will be higher in the coming days and weeks – please factor this into plans and response times.
  • Minimise the number of people and the amount of time spent in any facility, even in a critical situation.

Customers that have a critical need to access data centres should only do so if they:

  • Do not have any cold or flu-like symptoms
  • Have not been out of the country within the last two weeks
  • Have had no known contact with someone in that same period who has been diagnosed with COVID-19
  • Upon arrival at the data centre, visitors should wash hands thoroughly before proceeding to their cage/cabinet, conduct their work and then exit the facility as quickly and efficiently as possible
  • If Continent 8 or partner DC employees or security are escorting a customer representative to their cage or cabinet, they will do so while maintaining a safe distance

The goal of this change is to reduce risk, amount of traffic whilst maintaining service and availability for critical site access.

If there is an urgent planned installation or project delivery (non-critical) please approach and discuss with your account manager in order that this can be accommodated and managed to minimise risk for all.

Please note that this is a fluid and evolving situation; current procedures and guidelines may be changed at any time by our partners.

We thank you for your continued understanding at this time.

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