Continent 8 announces Cloud Services expansion for 2018

‘You choose your clouds, we’ll connect, manage and secure them for you’; that was the mantra at the annual ICE show in London early February, where Continent 8 announced additional cloud services from key locations across Europe, Asia and the Americas.

The company is well versed in the nuances of cloud adoption in regulated markets, and as regulators move at varying rates it’s important that infrastructure decisions not only satisfy all regulatory commitments but also play to the globalisation of the industry and the ongoing drive to be ‘closer’ to players.

The new services are an extension of an already successful cloud portfolio comprising of infrastructure, backup and cloud connectivity. What’s special for this launch though is not just the availability of additional Cloud infrastructure across multiple geographies, but the integration with the company’s backbone network.

This integration allows enterprises to run workloads across multiple jurisdictions and also integrate with the global commodity cloud providers too, all managed and delivered with the companies world-renowned service levels and personal touch.

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