A Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack, whether large or small, can cause significant downtime and financial loss.

But what exactly is a DDoS attack?

Craig Lusher

In this blog, Craig Lusher, Product Principal of Secure Solutions at Continent 8 Technologies, will explore what a DDoS attack is, the different types of DDoS attacks, and the best practices for mitigating DDoS attacks.

What is a DDoS attack?

A DDoS attack is like an unexpected traffic jam on an otherwise free-flowing highway. The attacks attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming it with a flood of Internet traffic.

DDoS attacks leverage multiple compromised computer systems as sources of attack traffic, including computers and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. They involve networks of Internet-connected devices infected with malware, controlled remotely by attackers and forming a botnet.

The process begins with the attacker creating the botnet by infecting multiple devices. Next, they send remote commands to the botnet, which then sends numerous requests to the target’s IP address. This flood of requests overwhelms the server or network, resulting in a denial-of-service for legitimate traffic.

Several high-profile DDoS attacks have made headlines in recent months, showcasing the damage these attacks can inflict, regardless of industry.

Types of DDoS attacks

DDoS attacks come in various forms. DDoS attacks can be categorised into three main types based on which part of the network connection they target.

DDoS Attacks

Volumetric attacks

A volumetric attack aims to overwhelm the bandwidth between the target and the Internet with massive amounts of data. The attack often uses amplification techniques to ensure it consumes all available bandwidth.

A good example is Domain Name System (DNS) amplification. This method is done through a small query to an open DNS server with a spoofed IP address, resulting in a large response being sent to the victim, ultimately overwhelming their bandwidth.

Protocol attacks

A protocol attack exploits weaknesses in network protocols, particularly layers 3 and 4 of the protocol stack. It disrupts service by consuming server resources or network equipment resources like firewalls and load balancers.

SYN flood is a popular method. It overwhelms the target by sending many TCP SYN packets with spoofed IP addresses, exhausting resources by never completing the TCP handshake.

Application layer attacks

The application layer attack targets the application itself, often appearing as legitimate traffic. It exhausts the target’s resources and creates a denial-of-service. The attack preys on the application layer (Layer 7 of the OSI model) where web pages are generated and delivered in response to HTTP requests.

HTTP flood method, for example, generates multiple HTTP requests to flood the server. These requests overwhelm the server and cause a denial-of-service. These can range from simple attacks with one URL and similar IP addresses to complex attacks using many IP addresses and random URLs.

Mitigation methods – A defence-in-depth, multi-layered approach

The main challenge in mitigating a DDoS attack is distinguishing between legitimate traffic and attack traffic. For example, a legitimate surge from a product release differs from an attack surge from known attackers.

These attacks are also multi-vector. This means they use multiple pathways to overwhelm targets, making it harder to distinguish between attack and normal traffic. A layered approach, such as combining DNS amplification (targeting layers 3/4) with an HTTP flood (layer 7), requires varied strategies for mitigation.

Due to these complexities, protecting a site from DDoS attacks requires a multi-layered approach. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, having a clear plan in place for responding to DDoS attacks can minimise downtime and damage.

Finding a service specialising in DDoS solutions can be a great help, but there are layers to the mitigation process.

At Continent 8, we advocate for a ‘defence-in-depth’ strategy, where multiple layers of security controls are implemented throughout the organisation’s IT environment. This ensures that if one layer is breached, additional layers are in place to prevent or mitigate the attack.

Continent 8’s defence-in-depth, multi-layered approach includes:

  1. Coarse filtering: Ad-Hoc upstream traffic filtering and DDoS scrubbing
  2. Medium filtering: Managed access control lists at the network edge
  3. Medium/fine filtering: Layer 3 and 4 DDoS scrubbing
  4. Fine filtering: Layer 7 Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) rate limiting and filtering
  5. Polish: Traffic delivery with Endpoint Detection and Response/Managed Detection and Response (EDR/MDR) solutions and managed updates and hardening
  6. Log event monitoring and threat protection: Security Operations Centre (MSOC) and Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) threat detection and response

DDoS Services

Continent 8 for complete DDoS protection

Continent 8 offers the most comprehensive cybersecurity solutions equipped to meet today’s emerging DDoS threats.

Cybersecurity solutions for a safer tomorrow

Continent 8 provides comprehensive, multi-layered threat prevention, detection and response solutions to secure your organisation’s digital assets in the face of evolving cyber threats. For more information on how Continent 8 can support your cybersecurity initiatives, email sales@continent8.com or fill out our Contact Us page.

On May 2, 2024, the Secretariat of Prizes and Bets (SPA) and the Ministry of Finance (MF) issued Ordinance No. 722 (link here in Portuguese). This set of regulations outlines the essential technical and cybersecurity criteria that iGaming and online sports betting operators must adhere to within six months of obtaining their gaming licenses.


In her blog series, Luana Monje, Sales Executive at Continent 8 Technologies, examines the latest infrastructure, cloud, cybersecurity and regulatory developments for the newly regulated Brazilian iGaming and online sports betting market. In her first blog, Luana explored the Ordinance 722’s penetration testing requirement, and in this blog, she investigates the recovery and backup system, business continuity and disaster recovery plan and firewall protection requirements in full detail.

1. Establishing robust recovery and resilient business continuity plans for iGaming platforms

Ordinance 722, Annex IV, section 15 – Recovery: In the event of a catastrophic failure where the betting system, or any component or platform, cannot be reset in any other way, it must be possible to restore the system from the last backup point and fully recover it.

Ordinance 722, Annex IV, section 17 – Business continuity and disaster recovery plan: A business continuity policy and disaster recovery plan must be adopted to recover betting operations if the production environment of the betting system or any of its platforms becomes inoperable.

In the regulations outlined for iGaming and online sports betting in Brazil, robust recovery and business continuity mechanisms must be in place to ensure that, should a catastrophic failure occur, the operator or supplier can restore the betting system and fully recover from the last backup point.

Ordinance 722’s recovery section explains that such backups must encompass not only the recorded information but also extend to include location-specific details such as security configurations and user accounts. Furthermore, current system encryption keys and a comprehensive record of system parameters – whether modifications, reconfigurations, additions, merges, deletions, adjustments or changes to parameters – need to be meticulously maintained.

Meanwhile, Ordinance 722’s business continuity and disaster recovery section recommends that the plan comprise data storage methodologies to minimise losses, document the recovery procedures and provide a comprehensive recovery guide. Moreover, it should propose the process for resuming administrative operations post-recovery, tailored to the system’s operational context.

The Continent 8 solution: Our multi-pronged services approach offers operators and suppliers the optimal path to backup and business continuity in the event of an incident or disaster.

Watch the webinar on Continent 8’s disaster recovery approach and a real-world use case with LATAM-based customer Boldt.

2. Securing the network with advanced firewalls for iGaming cybersecurity

Ordinance 722, Annex IV, section 31 – Firewall: All communications, including remote access, must pass through at least one approved application-level firewall.

An effective firewall serves as the guardian of the network, meticulously scrutinising all incoming and outgoing communications to thwart unauthorised access and potential threats. Ordinance 722’s firewall communication suggests that the firewall be placed at the juncture of different security domains, ensuring that no alternative network path exists that could circumvent the firewall. Only essential applications related to the firewall’s operation are permitted to reside on the device, and access is restricted to a limited number of user accounts, primarily network or system administrators. These firewalls should analyse all incoming and outgoing communications, ensuring that only traffic from trusted network sources is permitted. Furthermore, stringent access controls, backed by the latest encryption protocols, safeguard remote interactions with the gaming platform.

The Continent 8 solution: Our Firewall service includes customisable IDS/IPS capabilities. When combined with our managed Security Operations Centre (SOC) service, IDS/IPS events are enriched with specific threat intelligence and ingested into our Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) platform. Our SOC analysts can then deliver powerful insights into a customer’s current threat state and perimeter activities, providing detection, prevention and responses to known and emerging threats.

A 360-degree cybersecurity approach

Recovery and business continuity plans, along with firewall protection, provide an excellent starting point for iGaming and online sports betting operators and suppliers launching operations in Brazil’s regulated gaming market. For end-to-end protection, we recommend operators and suppliers adopt a holistic risk mitigation approach. A complete, 360-degree defense strategy includes:

By referencing the SPA and MF’s Ordinance 722 policies and partnering with an experienced and trusted solutions provider like Continent 8, operators and suppliers can deploy multi-defense, multi-layer cybersecurity protection strategies for their iGaming and online sports betting platform. This approach enables them to comply with Brazil’s latest technical and cybersecurity regulations while demonstrating their commitment to providing secure and trustworthy gaming environments and experiences.

Continent 8 Technologies – your trusted partner

Continent 8 Technologies, the trusted managed hosting, connectivity, cloud and cybersecurity partner to the global iGaming and online sports betting industry for over 25 years, is live in every major regulated Latin American (LATAM) jurisdiction, including Brazil.

Operating out of the LATAM region since 2020, we offer operators and suppliers access to state-of-the-art data centres, connectivity to a global private network featuring 100+ locations across four continents and best-in-class managed and professional services to support the most demanding iGaming and online sports betting requirements.

Discover why Continent 8 is the go-to infrastructure and cybersecurity provider for leading LATAM operators and suppliers such as Betcris, Boldt, Bplay and Vibra Gaming, and learn how we ensure the seamless implementation of compliant and secure infrastructures so that your Brazilian gaming operations are live from day one.

For more information on how Continent 8 can support your organisation’s regulatory and cybersecurity requirements, visit www.continent8.com/br or contact Luana at luana.monje@continent8.com.

A 2 de maio de 2024, a Secretaria de Prémios e Apostas (SPA) e o Ministério das Finanças (MF) emitiram a Portaria n.º 722 (link aqui). Este conjunto de regulamentos define os critérios técnicos e de cibersegurança essenciais que os operadores de iGaming e de apostas esportivas online devem cumprir no prazo de seis meses após a obtenção das suas licenças de jogo.


Em sua série de blogs, Luana Monje, Executiva de Vendas da Continent 8 Technologies, examina os mais recentes desenvolvimentos de infraestrutura, nuvem, cibersegurança e regulamentação para o recém-regulamentado mercado brasileiro de iGaming e apostas esportivas online. Em seu primeiro blog, Luana explorou o requisito de teste de penetração da Portaria 722, e neste blog, ela investiga o sistema de recuperação e backup, continuidade de negócios e plano de recuperação de desastres e requisitos de proteção de firewall em detalhes completos.

1. Estabelecer planos sólidos de recuperação e de continuidade de atividade resilientes para as plataformas de iGaming

Portaria 722, Anexo IV, secção 15 – Recuperação: Na eventualidade de uma falha catastrófica em que o sistema de apostas, ou qualquer componente ou plataforma, não possa ser reposto de outra forma, deve ser possível restaurar o sistema a partir do último ponto de cópia de segurança e recuperá-lo totalmente.

Portaria 722, Anexo IV, secção 17 – Plano de continuidade das actividades e de recuperação de desastres: Uma política de continuidade de negócios e um plano de recuperação de desastres devem ser adotados para recuperar as operações de apostas se o ambiente de produção do sistema de apostas ou qualquer uma de suas plataformas se tornar inoperante.

Nos regulamentos delineados para o iGaming e as apostas esportivas no Brasil, devem existir mecanismos robustos de recuperação e continuidade do negócio para garantir que, em caso de falha catastrófica, o operador ou fornecedor possa restaurar o sistema de apostas e recuperar totalmente a partir do último ponto de backup.

A secção de recuperação do Decreto 722 explica que essas cópias de segurança devem incluir não só as informações registadas, mas também pormenores específicos do local, como as configurações de segurança e as contas de utilizador. Além disso, as chaves de encriptação actuais do sistema e um registo exaustivo dos parâmetros do sistema – quer se trate de modificações, reconfigurações, adições, fusões, eliminações, ajustamentos ou alterações de parâmetros – devem ser meticulosamente mantidos.

Entretanto, a secção relativa à continuidade das actividades e à recuperação de desastres da Portaria 722 recomenda que o plano inclua metodologias de armazenamento de dados para minimizar as perdas, documente os procedimentos de recuperação e forneça um guia de recuperação abrangente. Além disso, deve propor o processo de retoma das operações administrativas após a recuperação, adaptado ao contexto operacional do sistema.

A solução Continent8: A nossa abordagem de serviços multifacetados oferece aos operadores e fornecedores o caminho ideal para a recuperação e continuidade do negócio no caso de um incidente ou desastre.

Assista ao webinar sobre a abordagem de recuperação de desastres da Continent8 e um caso de uso real com o cliente Boldt baseado na América Latina.

(O webinar está disponível em inglês e espanhol)

2. Proteger a rede com firewalls avançadas para a cibersegurança do iGaming

Portaria 722, Anexo IV, secção 31 – Firewall: Todas as comunicações, incluindo o acesso remoto, devem passar pelo menos por uma firewall aprovada a nível da aplicação. 

Uma firewall eficaz actua como guardiã da rede, analisando meticulosamente todas as comunicações de entrada e saída para impedir o acesso não autorizado e potenciais ameaças. A comunicação da firewall do Decreto 722 sugere que a firewall seja colocada na junção de diferentes domínios de segurança, garantindo que não exista nenhum caminho de rede alternativo que possa contornar a firewall. Apenas as aplicações essenciais relacionadas com o funcionamento da firewall são autorizadas a residir no dispositivo e o acesso é restringido a um número limitado de contas de utilizador, principalmente administradores de rede ou de sistemas. Estas firewalls devem analisar todas as comunicações de entrada e saída, garantindo que só é permitido o tráfego proveniente de fontes de rede fiáveis. Além disso, controlos de acesso rigorosos, apoiados pelos mais recentes protocolos de encriptação, protegem as interações remotas com a plataforma de jogo.

A solução Continent8: O nosso serviço de Firewall inclui capacidades IDS/IPS personalizáveis. Quando combinados com o nosso serviço gerido do Centro de Operações de Segurança (SOC), os eventos IDS/IPS são enriquecidos com informações específicas sobre ameaças e ingeridos na nossa plataforma de gestão de incidentes e eventos de segurança (SIEM). Os nossos analistas do SOC podem então fornecer informações poderosas sobre o estado atual das ameaças e as actividades de perímetro de um cliente, fornecendo deteção, prevenção e respostas a ameaças conhecidas e emergentes.

Uma abordagem de cibersegurança de 360 graus

Os planos de recuperação e continuidade do negócio, juntamente com a proteção da firewall, constituem um excelente ponto de partida para os operadores e fornecedores de iGaming e de apostas esportivas online que iniciam operações no mercado de jogo regulamentado do Brasil. Para uma proteção de ponta a ponta, recomendamos que os operadores e fornecedores adoptem uma abordagem holística de mitigação de riscos. Uma estratégia de defesa completa e de 360 graus inclui (ligações de produtos em inglês):

Ao fazer referência às políticas da SPA e da Portaria 722 do MF e fazer parceria com um provedor de soluções experiente e confiável como a Continent8, operadores e fornecedores podem implantar estratégias de proteção de segurança cibernética multi-defesa e multi-camadas para sua plataforma de apostas esportivas iGaming e online. Essa abordagem permite que eles cumpram as mais recentes regulamentações técnicas e de segurança cibernética do Brasil, ao mesmo tempo em que demonstram seu compromisso em fornecer ambientes e experiências de jogos seguros e confiáveis.

Continent 8 Technologies – seu parceiro de confiança

A Continent 8 Technologies, parceira confiável de hospedagem gerenciada, conetividade, nuvem e cibersegurança para a indústria global de iGaming e apostas esportivas online há mais de 25 anos, está ao vivo em todas as principais jurisdições regulamentadas da América Latina (LATAM), incluindo o Brasil.

Operando fora da região da LATAM desde 2020, oferecemos aos operadores e fornecedores acesso a data centers de última geração, conetividade a uma rede privada global com mais de 100 locais em quatro continentes e os melhores serviços gerenciados e profissionais da categoria para suportar os requisitos mais exigentes de iGaming e apostas esportivas online.

Descubra por que a Continent8 é o provedor de infraestrutura e segurança cibernética para os principais operadores e fornecedores da LATAM, como Betcris, Boldt, Bplay e Vibra Gaming, e saiba como garantimos a implementação perfeita de infraestruturas compatíveis e seguras para que suas operações de jogos brasileiros estejam ao vivo desde o primeiro dia.

Para obter mais informações sobre como a Continent8 pode apoiar os requisitos regulatórios e de segurança cibernética da sua organização, visite www.continent8.com/br ou contactar Luana em luana.monje@continent8.com.

In the latest edition of our Cultiv8 Employee Series, Jordan Holmes, Director of Talent Operations at Continent 8 Technologies, sat down with Sabrina Mastroianni, our Montreal-based Paralegal.

In the interview, Sabrina talks about her professional journey, her ability to align legal requirements with the company’s business objectives and how the support from the Continent 8 team and culture empowers her to tackle each new challenge and opportunity with purpose and intent.

Hi Sabrina! Can you tell us a little but about yourself and your role as a Paralegal at Continent 8?

SabrinaCertainly! I’ve been practicing law for over a decade. I’ve dabbled in small to medium to large law-firm boutiques, specialising in all areas of law, including corporate, compliance and commercial – I’ve tried it all!

After serving in a law firm for several years, I decided to pursue in-house counsel, which I absolutely love. The dynamic of working within a corporation versus law firm is, in fact, very different. I am definitely a people person and enjoy holding connections with customers throughout the longevity of the business relationship. In-house counsel promotes this, and Continent 8 encourages it. I’ve been here for three years now, and I could not be happier. I love my colleagues and the relationships we build, not only with our customers and partners, but with each other.

In terms of my actual role, I streamline everything legal, from customer agreements, vendors, resellers, partnerships and everything in between.

How did you come to choose a career as a paralegal? What aspects do you enjoy most about your job?

Originally, my studies were geared towards becoming a lawyer, specifically in family law. However, after volunteering at Batshaw Youth and Family Centers in Montreal, I realised that being a lawyer, especially in family law, was not for me.

My internship at a corporate firm was a turning point, and I loved it. I ran with this, and I’m happy that I did. What I love most about my job is the opportunity to ensure internal compliance while negotiating business deals. I take great pride in navigating complex legal landscapes to make sure that our practices adhere to the law and uphold our company’s standards. Balancing legal requirements with business objectives is both challenging and rewarding, and it’s incredibly satisfying to contribute to our organisation’s integrity and success!

Can you describe some of the challenges you encounter in your position?

Perhaps what is most fascinating is the fact that no two days are ever the same. It’s the nature of our business, especially as we continue to grow at an exponential rate. The challenge lies in maintaining finesse while satisfying customer needs and simultaneously reducing Continent 8’s risks and exposure.

How do you align with Continent 8’s culture and values of Genuine Care, Active Ownership and/or Purposeful Creativity?

As a Paralegal, my role inherently encompasses a bit of everything related to the company’s core cultural values. Each project typically involves overseeing tasks from inception to completion, necessitating Genuine Care and Active Ownership to ensure that every detail is meticulously reviewed and accounted for. ‘Fine-tuning’ is often essential, calling for Purposeful Creativity at times, whether it’s collaborating on new legal terms, managing negotiations or crafting innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of clients.

Can you talk through some of the new initiatives you are working on?

Some of the new initiatives consist of a deeper understanding and awareness of ‘knowing your customers’ or KYC. The importance of truly understanding our customers not only allows Continent 8 to provide white-glove support but also mitigates our risk. We’re 100% committed to this process and procedure.

Any final thoughts?

Yes – I can go on forever! I have had my fair share of corporate cultures, executives and colleagues over my professional career – I am seasoned in my field of expertise. As I’ve often said, working at Continent 8 has been, and continues to be, an extraordinary journey both professionally and personally. I am grateful to be a part of this amazing team and am appreciative of the challenges, the successes and even the occasional hurdle because we always find a way to lean on each other and make the most out of each and every opportunity.

Craig LusherExecutive Summary

Today, web applications are indispensable for businesses across all sectors. Continent 8 Technologies recognises that the hybrid and multi-cloud environments, modern application architectures and the necessity of securing remote work whilst maintaining high service availability pose significant challenges in securing these applications. Our comprehensive approach to application security is designed to mitigate the many challenges of protecting web applications and APIs from a diverse range of threats.

Despite the availability of numerous web application security solutions, businesses often struggle due to resource constraints (budgetary and expertise), the complexity of modern applications (including microservices, API ecosystems and continuous updates), and issues with false positives and negatives resulting from outdated security policies.

In this blog, I’ll explore the current threat landscape for web applications, examine the biggest challenges in securing modern applications, highlight the business implications of security breaches and offer insights and best practices into navigating today’s ever-evolving digital landscape.

Web Application API Protection (WAAP)

Evolving threat landscape and its implications

The threat landscape for web applications is ever-changing, presenting businesses with intricate challenges. Key aspects include:

What are the biggest challenges in securing modern applications?

Modern applications are inherently difficult to secure due to several factors:

How security breaches impact your business

Failure to secure web applications and APIs can have far-reaching business consequences:

Continent 8’s holistic application protection approach

To address these challenges, Continent 8 advocates for a comprehensive set of best practices in web application and API security:

  1. Regular Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Testing (VAPT) assessments: Both automated and manual testing help identify and address weaknesses.
  2. Patch management: Keeping software and libraries up-to-date is crucial for preventing exploitations of known vulnerabilities.
  3. Secure coding practices: Training for development and operations teams on secure coding reduces the introduction of vulnerabilities.
  4. Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) security: Emphasis on authentication, authorisation and rate limiting for APIs is essential.
  5. Incident response plan: A well-defined plan ensures quick and effective responses to security breaches.

Building a resilient web application and API security framework

Securing web applications is a complex challenge requiring a holistic approach. By understanding the evolving threat landscape, recognising the business implications of security breaches and implementing best practices, businesses can significantly enhance their security posture. Continent 8 is dedicated to providing robust security solutions that help businesses protect their critical web applications and APIs, ensuring resilience against the complex threats of today’s digital landscape.

Continent 8 WAAP solutions represent a proactive approach to web application and API security.

To support organisations enhance their web application and API security framework, Continent 8 is offering 3 months of FREE WAAP services for the first 50 customers to sign up to a 15-month contract*.

Learn more about the WAAP solution here.

For further information and detailed guidance on securing your web applications, email sales@continent8.com or fill out our Contact Us page.


*T&Cs apply. Limited-time offer; subject to change. First 3 months free, when signing up to a 15-month contract.

The iGaming and online sports betting industry is facing unprecedented cyber attacks as it seeks to protect business operations, safeguard personal data and uphold public trust.

On April 14, 2024, Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) released the first gaming information security standard, “ GLI Gaming Security Framework Module 1 (GLI-GSF-1): Gaming Information Security (GIS) Common Controls Audit“, and on July 30, re-released the module for public comment.

It’s important that operators and suppliers understand what this means. Therefore, in this blog, we will explore the released framework, how a cybersecurity framework can assist the iGaming industry and its role within the online gaming industry.

What is the GLI Gaming Security Framework (GLI-GSF-1)?

The GLI-GSF-1 is the first cybersecurity framework explicitly tailored for the gaming industry. It was developed to address the sector’s unique security challenges by providing a set of controls to safeguard critical system components, transaction processing, and sensitive data.

This framework provides common controls for auditing a gaming organisation’s Gaming Information Security Management System (GISMS). The structured framework ensures that gaming operations can function securely, similar to eCommerce operations, within safe and stable environments.

GISMS protects sensitive data and systems within a Gaming Production Environment (GPE). It addresses evolving threats and compliance requirements by maintaining policies, controls, risk management and continuous improvement.

Why does the iGaming industry need a cybersecurity framework?

Industry experts highlight recent attacks on major casino and hospitality businesses as a wake-up call for the industry to enhance cybersecurity in the iGaming industry. Two of the more high-profile cases involved MGM Resorts International and Caesars Entertainment:

“Cyber attacks have become the new normal in the iGaming and online sports betting industry,” said Patrick Gardner, VP & CSO at C8 Secure, a Continent 8 Technologies company. “The persistent and escalating occurrence of security breaches highlights the urgent requirement for organisations to effectively manage cyber incidents. Unfortunately, many organisations are ill-prepared for such situations, emphasising the need for an industry-specific cybersecurity framework approach.”

The benefits of a cybersecurity framework

Cybersecurity frameworks are not a new concept. The financial sector, with its mature cybersecurity practices, can offer valuable insights for the iGaming industry.

For instance, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) cybersecurity framework is designed to create a secure environment and protect card transactions against data theft and fraud. Compliance with PCI DSS is, in fact, mandatory for any company that processes credit card information, regardless of industry. The latest PCI DSS v4.0 standard emphasises Web Application Firewalls (WAF) for securing online platforms, which is critical for iGaming sites handling sensitive user data.

Another cybersecurity framework is the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). This cybersecurity framework, used in the financial sector but also across a wide range of business verticals, is developed based on industry standards and best practices to help organisations manage critical infrastructure cybersecurity risks. It consists of five core functions – identify, protect, detect, respond and recover – and offers guidance for developing organisational profiles.

The iGaming market can adopt the best, proven principles from existing cybersecurity frameworks but create one that is tailored to the industry’s unique cybersecurity challenges and requirements. iGaming and online sports betting operators and suppliers deal with complex, interconnected infrastructure and IT environments that offers attackers a vast surface attack area. With so many potential attack vectors and vulnerability endpoints, a proactive, layered threat prevention, detection and response approach ensures optimal protection – from the edge to the data centre to endpoint and the cloud. Key implementations should include:

“Another important consideration is that iGaming operators and suppliers are faced with the challenging task of maintaining the highest security standards and managing how cybersecurity interacts within their hosting, connectivity, cloud and regulatory ecosystem. This places a significant investment and resource burden on many of these organisations, and we’re observing an increase in operators and suppliers seeking to outsource these responsibilities. Managed security service providers that can support all of these requirements should offer the simplest path to integration for smooth deployment with minimal to no downtime,” said Patrick.

Promoting industry-wide collaboration, industry standards

Industry standards embody the collective goals, values, duties and long-term success of an entire industry. Continent 8 has consistently championed and advocated for these standards, engaging and collaborating with fellow industry members through various industry bodies and organisations. Recently, Continent 8 was welcomed into the International Gaming Standards Association (IGSA). With this new role, Continent 8 joins the IGSA Cyber Resiliency Committee, contributing to the development and implementation of industry-recognised cybersecurity standards aimed at enhancing regulatory and cybersecurity quality, innovation and performance throughout the iGaming and online sports betting industry.

The critical role of cybersecurity frameworks

The introduction of a common framework is a critical and necessary milestone to bring parity to Gaming security standards with other highly regulated industries. By embracing these additional controls, we are not only protecting the integrity of our industry but also prioritising the privacy and protection of our customers’ data. If adopted, Continent 8 stands ready to assist operators achieve compliance with all aspects of the proposed standards with comprehensive and cost-effective solutions.

As the online gaming industry continues to grow, and the risks that come along with it, cybersecurity frameworks will continue to play an essential role. Continuous monitoring, enhancements and technical advancements will be required to maintain the security and integrity of gaming operations while ensuring standardised protection for all stakeholders.

To learn more about Continent 8’s cybersecurity approaches, best practices and recommendations for the iGaming and online sports betting industry, contact sales@continent8.com.

Craig Lusher from our Secure team takes a deep dive into the latest DDoS stats from the second quarter of the year

Overview of 2Q 2024

As was the case in the first quarter of 2024, Continent 8 continues to see a decline in DDoS attacks against its customers with just 32 incidents reported across customers in the second quarter of the year. This marks a 45% decrease from the 58 attacks recorded in the previous quarter and is a mere fraction of the 1,106 DDoS attacks successfully thwarted during the corresponding period in 2023.

The quarter’s fluctuation in the number of attacks per month, with 8 in April, 5 in May and 19 in June, indicates varying attack campaigns or possibly enhanced defensive strategies.

Attack size and intensity (Gbps)

The intensity of attacks in the second quarter of 2024 escalated significantly than in the previous quarter in terms of peak attack size:

This quarter’s surge in peak attack intensity, particularly in June, indicates a concerning trend towards more powerful DDoS attempts, despite their decreased frequency.

Impact on customers

The highest number of attacks a single customer faced was 7, a significant reduction from the peak of 25 attacks in the first quarter. This data indicates a shift towards a more distributed pattern of attacks in the second quarter compared to the first quarter.

Duration and frequency

The timing and frequency of attacks in the second quarter of 2024 reveal some interesting trends:

These figures indicate that while there were fewer attacks overall, they tended to last longer on average, with some attacks being significantly more persistent than in the previous quarter. Prolonged attacks can strain resources for unprotected customers, potentially leading to substantial disruptions if critical systems or services are compromised by malicious activity.

2Q 2024 quarterly summary  

The second quarter of 2024 witnessed a significant reduction in overall DDoS activity compared to the first quarter. However, there has been a concerning uptick in the intensity of attacks, particularly in June, posing a greater risk of potential damage. The fluctuations observed throughout the quarter, peaking with a spike in June, suggest evolving DDoS attack strategies. Employing an advanced DDoS mitigation system and solution is essential to safeguard against potential threats.

Continent 8’s DDoS mitigation solution

Our best-in-class DDoS solution continues to evolve and in recent months we have amplified our scrubbing capacity to 2.5+ Tbps, as well as increased our scrubbing centres geographically deployed across multiple continents. Locations include Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Miami, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Singapore, Hong Kong and Sao Paulo.

Key features of our mitigation solution:

DDoS protection should also form part of a wider, multi-layered approach to cybersecurity. A 360-degree, end-to-end protection strategy should include DDoS mitigation solution as well as WAF/WAAP protection, MDR/EDR services, SIEM and SOC resources, VAPT assessments, backup solutions, and mobile device and phishing defence services.

This is the only way to have multiple protections in place for each attack type and to ensure the greatest level of resilience.

To learn more about how Continent 8 can help protect your organisation, contact a member of the team via sales@continent8.com or our Contact Us form.


Explore the critical cybersecurity measures and considerations necessary for safeguarding tribal casino gaming enterprises in an increasingly digital world.

In this blog, Jerad Swimmer, Regional Sales Director at Continent 8 Technologies, discusses the range cyber threats confronting tribal casinos, highlights the most recent cyber attacks on these establishments, outlines the unique specific cybersecurity requirements of tribal gaming and recommends best practices for establishing robust cybersecurity measures to improve their overall cybersecurity posture.

Current cyber threats facing tribal casinos

Tribal casinos are increasingly becoming targets for cyber attacks, with hackers constantly looking for vulnerabilities to exploit. Some of the current cyber threats facing tribal casinos include:

To protect against these threats, tribal casinos need to implement robust cybersecurity measures and stay up to date with the latest security practices.

Tribal cyber attack headlines

Cyber Attacks

There have been several tribal casino incidents recently where casinos have been forced to close following a cyber attack.

Cyber attacks are on the rise and tribal casinos must take these threats seriously to properly safeguard their operations.

Understanding the unique cybersecurity needs for tribal gaming

Tribal gaming operations have unique cybersecurity needs that must be addressed to ensure data protection and operational continuity. These needs include:

By understanding these unique cybersecurity needs, tribal casinos can develop effective strategies to mitigate risks and safeguard their operations.

Best practices for implementing robust cybersecurity measures

To enhance cybersecurity in tribal gaming operations, the following best practices should be implemented:

By implementing these best practices, tribal casinos can significantly enhance their cybersecurity posture and protect against a wide range of threats.

Innovative technologies and solutions to enhance cybersecurity for tribal casinos

As cyber threats continue to evolve, tribal casinos can leverage innovative technologies and solutions to enhance their cybersecurity posture. Some key technologies and solutions include:

By embracing these innovative technologies and solutions, tribal casinos can stay ahead of cyber threats and enhance their overall cybersecurity posture.

Let us protect your tribal casino – let’s connect at OIGA 2024!

Learn more about Continent 8’s multi-layered cybersecurity solutions at the Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association (OIGA) Conference and Trade Show in Oklahoma City ‘the biggest little show in Indian Gaming’, from August 12-14.

Continent 8’s Regional Sales Directors, Jerad Swimmer and Jamie Garcia, and Principal Solutions Architect, Tony Engel, will be in attendance at Continent 8 stand 1033.

To set up a meeting, visit here.

In the most recent instalment of our Cultiv8 Employee Series, Jordan Holmes, Director of Talent Operations at Continent 8, engaged in a captivating conversation with Tej Pillay, our new South African-based Cloud Technical Specialist. Tej’s passion for the latest cloud advancements, coupled with his current projects and enthusiasm for the Continent 8 journey, promises an innovative and dynamic approach to our cloud initiatives.

Hi Tej! Can you tell us a little but about yourself and your role as a Cloud Technical Specialist at Continent 8?

Tej Pillay

Absolutely! I am deeply passionate about everything cloud and open source. My intrinsic drive lies in fostering innovation and streamlining processes through automation, which fuels my enthusiasm for each workday.

As a Cloud Technical Specialist, my primary objective is to harness my expertise and experience to enhance team efficiency through automation strategies. Additionally, I am dedicated to championing the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and refined processes within Continent 8, thereby contributing to the organisation’s growth and success.

How will your previous experiences benefit the role?

My career journey has been a blend of software development and a deep dive into system design and operations within the IT sector. Initially, I honed my skills in software development, gaining insights into the end-to-end process of developing, maintaining and deploying enterprise software solutions. Transitioning to the latter half of my career, I delved into infrastructure and operations roles across diverse industries, including the dynamic field of iGaming.

During this phase, I had the privilege of collaborating with multifaceted business units, spanning infrastructure, platforms, monitoring, networking and security. By advocating for and implementing DevOps principles, I facilitated seamless coordination between these teams, fostering a culture of efficiency and innovation. Drawing from this rich tapestry of experiences, I am well-equipped to bring a holistic perspective to my role as a Cloud Technical Specialist at Continent 8, driving operational excellence and technological advancement within the organisation.

What attracted you to the role and to joining the Continent 8 team? What do you enjoy most about your job?

The allure of collaborating with diverse teams and empowering them to achieve their objectives through automation stands out as the most rewarding aspect of my role.

When it comes to what drew me to Continent 8, it was undoubtedly the people. The genuine sense of camaraderie and strong work ethic within the team resonated with me, creating a familial atmosphere that fosters collaboration and success. Moreover, Continent 8’s unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction played a pivotal role in my decision to join the organisation.

What I find most gratifying about my job is the opportunity to work alongside dedicated professionals who share a common goal of delivering excellence to our customers. The supportive environment at Continent 8 not only encourages innovation but also nurtures personal and professional growth, making each day a fulfilling journey of learning and achievement.

Can you describe some of the challenges you face as a Cloud Technical Specialist? How do you also stay up to date on the latest cloud developments?

As a Cloud Technical Specialist, one of the primary challenges I face is navigating the rapid evolution of the IT industry. With the landscape constantly changing, selecting the most suitable tools, processes and designs can be a daunting task. To address this challenge, I prioritise staying informed about the latest developments in cloud technology.

I employ a multifaceted approach to stay up to date, which includes regularly engaging with whitepapers, technology blogs, webinars and forums. These resources provide valuable insights into emerging trends, best practices and innovative solutions within the cloud domain. Additionally, active participation in the open-source community enables me to collaborate with industry experts and gain first-hand knowledge of what strategies and technologies are proving effective in the ever-expanding tech landscape.

By consistently immersing myself in these learning opportunities and leveraging the collective wisdom of the tech community, I ensure that I am well-equipped to address the challenges of my role and deliver optimal cloud solutions to meet the evolving needs of our customers.

How do you align with Continent 8’s culture and values of Active Ownership, Purposeful Creativity and/or Genuine Care?

In my role, I find that my approach to automation and innovation naturally aligns with the company’s values of Active Ownership, Purposeful Creativity and Genuine Care.

I take pride in taking ownership of driving progress and efficiency within my team by actively working on automation solutions and collaborating with diverse teams to help them achieve their goals. This sense of Active Ownership resonates with Continent 8’s culture of taking responsibility and driving positive change within the organisation.

Can you talk through some of the new initiatives you will be working on?

One of the significant initiatives I am currently focusing on is our partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide our customers with a platform that leverages a hyperscale cloud environment that is both secure and compliant within the betting and gaming industry. This initiative is particularly exciting as it involves integrating cutting-edge cloud technologies to enhance our services and offer our clients a robust and regulated platform for their operations.

By collaborating with AWS, we aim to leverage their advanced cloud infrastructure and security capabilities to create a secure and scalable environment tailored to the specific needs of the betting and gaming industry.

Any final thoughts?

I’m thrilled to have joined the Continent 8 team and am eager to immerse myself in the iGaming industry. I see this opportunity as a platform for continuous learning, personal growth and professional development. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to Continent 8’s success and being part of a team that is dedicated to delivering excellence to our customers.

On May 2, 2024, the Secretariat of Prizes and Bets (SPA) and the Ministry of Finance (MF) issued Ordinance No. 722 (link here in Portuguese). This set of regulations outlines the essential technical and security criteria that iGaming and online sports betting operators must adhere to within six months of obtaining their gaming licenses.

In a series of blogs over the coming months, Luana Monje, Sales Executive at Continent 8 Technologies, will examine the various requirements for regulated iGaming in Brazil. First up, she examines the penetration testing requirement, along with other cybersecurity considerations, in more detail.

Implementing comprehensive penetration testing to address potential weaknesses

Ordinance 722, Annex IV, section 41 – Penetration testing: The purpose of penetration testing is to exploit any weaknesses discovered during the vulnerability assessment in any publicly exposed applications or systems that host applications that process, transmit and/or store sensitive information.

Executing thorough penetration testing is a testament to an organisation’s dedication to safeguarding user data. Ordinance 722 defines penetration testing as systematically challenging the strength of network and application layers so that operators and suppliers can identify and rectify vulnerabilities.

The Continent 8 solution

Our Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) services provide comprehensive security assessments for a customer’s infrastructure and applications. The VAPT solution enables organisations to achieve regulatory compliance and understand their attack surface area, providing a strong foundation for strengthening security posture.

Key benefits include:

VAPT use case: Read how Continent 8 Technologies supports ODDSworks with cybersecurity audit and vulnerability assessment penetration test services.

A 360-degree cybersecurity approach

Ordinance 722 offers a set of ground rules from which iGaming and online sports betting operators and suppliers should start. Beyond the suggested checklist, operators and suppliers should also consider a holistic approach that ensures end-to-end protection against any security and cyber threat. A 360-degree defense strategy includes:

By referencing the SPA and MF’s Ordinance 722 policies and partnering with an experienced and trusted solutions provider like Continent 8, operators and suppliers can deploy multi-defense, multi-layer security protection strategies for their iGaming and online sports betting platform. This approach enables them to comply with Brazil’s latest technical and security regulations while demonstrating their commitment to providing secure and trustworthy gaming environments and experiences.

Continent 8 Technologies – your trusted partner

Continent 8 Technologies, the trusted managed hosting, connectivity, cloud and cybersecurity partner to the global iGaming and online sports betting industry for over 25 years, is live in every major regulated Latin American (LATAM) jurisdiction, including Brazil.

Operating out of the LATAM region since 2020, we offer operators and suppliers access to state-of-the-art data centers, connectivity to a global private network featuring 100+ locations across four continents and best-in-class managed and professional services to support the most demanding iGaming and online sports betting requirements.

Discover why Continent 8 is the go-to infrastructure and cybersecurity provider for leading LATAM operators and suppliers such as Betcris, Boldt, Bplay and Vibra Gaming, and learn how we ensure the seamless implementation of compliant and secure infrastructures so that your Brazilian gaming operations are live from day one.

For more information on how Continent 8 can support your organisation’s regulatory and cybersecurity requirements, contact Luana at luana.monje@continent8.com.

Let's work together.


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