In the most recent instalment of our Cultiv8 Employee Series, Jordan Holmes, Director of Talent Operations at Continent 8, engaged in a captivating conversation with Tej Pillay, our new South African-based Cloud Technical Specialist. Tej’s passion for the latest cloud advancements, coupled with his current projects and enthusiasm for the Continent 8 journey, promises an innovative and dynamic approach to our cloud initiatives.

Hi Tej! Can you tell us a little but about yourself and your role as a Cloud Technical Specialist at Continent 8?

Tej Pillay

Absolutely! I am deeply passionate about everything cloud and open source. My intrinsic drive lies in fostering innovation and streamlining processes through automation, which fuels my enthusiasm for each workday.

As a Cloud Technical Specialist, my primary objective is to harness my expertise and experience to enhance team efficiency through automation strategies. Additionally, I am dedicated to championing the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and refined processes within Continent 8, thereby contributing to the organisation’s growth and success.

How will your previous experiences benefit the role?

My career journey has been a blend of software development and a deep dive into system design and operations within the IT sector. Initially, I honed my skills in software development, gaining insights into the end-to-end process of developing, maintaining and deploying enterprise software solutions. Transitioning to the latter half of my career, I delved into infrastructure and operations roles across diverse industries, including the dynamic field of iGaming.

During this phase, I had the privilege of collaborating with multifaceted business units, spanning infrastructure, platforms, monitoring, networking and security. By advocating for and implementing DevOps principles, I facilitated seamless coordination between these teams, fostering a culture of efficiency and innovation. Drawing from this rich tapestry of experiences, I am well-equipped to bring a holistic perspective to my role as a Cloud Technical Specialist at Continent 8, driving operational excellence and technological advancement within the organisation.

What attracted you to the role and to joining the Continent 8 team? What do you enjoy most about your job?

The allure of collaborating with diverse teams and empowering them to achieve their objectives through automation stands out as the most rewarding aspect of my role.

When it comes to what drew me to Continent 8, it was undoubtedly the people. The genuine sense of camaraderie and strong work ethic within the team resonated with me, creating a familial atmosphere that fosters collaboration and success. Moreover, Continent 8’s unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction played a pivotal role in my decision to join the organisation.

What I find most gratifying about my job is the opportunity to work alongside dedicated professionals who share a common goal of delivering excellence to our customers. The supportive environment at Continent 8 not only encourages innovation but also nurtures personal and professional growth, making each day a fulfilling journey of learning and achievement.

Can you describe some of the challenges you face as a Cloud Technical Specialist? How do you also stay up to date on the latest cloud developments?

As a Cloud Technical Specialist, one of the primary challenges I face is navigating the rapid evolution of the IT industry. With the landscape constantly changing, selecting the most suitable tools, processes and designs can be a daunting task. To address this challenge, I prioritise staying informed about the latest developments in cloud technology.

I employ a multifaceted approach to stay up to date, which includes regularly engaging with whitepapers, technology blogs, webinars and forums. These resources provide valuable insights into emerging trends, best practices and innovative solutions within the cloud domain. Additionally, active participation in the open-source community enables me to collaborate with industry experts and gain first-hand knowledge of what strategies and technologies are proving effective in the ever-expanding tech landscape.

By consistently immersing myself in these learning opportunities and leveraging the collective wisdom of the tech community, I ensure that I am well-equipped to address the challenges of my role and deliver optimal cloud solutions to meet the evolving needs of our customers.

How do you align with Continent 8’s culture and values of Active Ownership, Purposeful Creativity and/or Genuine Care?

In my role, I find that my approach to automation and innovation naturally aligns with the company’s values of Active Ownership, Purposeful Creativity and Genuine Care.

I take pride in taking ownership of driving progress and efficiency within my team by actively working on automation solutions and collaborating with diverse teams to help them achieve their goals. This sense of Active Ownership resonates with Continent 8’s culture of taking responsibility and driving positive change within the organisation.

Can you talk through some of the new initiatives you will be working on?

One of the significant initiatives I am currently focusing on is our partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide our customers with a platform that leverages a hyperscale cloud environment that is both secure and compliant within the betting and gaming industry. This initiative is particularly exciting as it involves integrating cutting-edge cloud technologies to enhance our services and offer our clients a robust and regulated platform for their operations.

By collaborating with AWS, we aim to leverage their advanced cloud infrastructure and security capabilities to create a secure and scalable environment tailored to the specific needs of the betting and gaming industry.

Any final thoughts?

I’m thrilled to have joined the Continent 8 team and am eager to immerse myself in the iGaming industry. I see this opportunity as a platform for continuous learning, personal growth and professional development. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to Continent 8’s success and being part of a team that is dedicated to delivering excellence to our customers.

On May 2, 2024, the Secretariat of Prizes and Bets (SPA) and the Ministry of Finance (MF) issued Ordinance No. 722 (link here in Portuguese). This set of regulations outlines the essential technical and security criteria that iGaming and online sports betting operators must adhere to within six months of obtaining their gaming licenses.

In a series of blogs over the coming months, Luana Monje, Sales Executive at Continent 8 Technologies, will examine the various requirements for regulated iGaming in Brazil. First up, she examines the penetration testing requirement, along with other cybersecurity considerations, in more detail.

Implementing comprehensive penetration testing to address potential weaknesses

Ordinance 722, Annex IV, section 41 – Penetration testing: The purpose of penetration testing is to exploit any weaknesses discovered during the vulnerability assessment in any publicly exposed applications or systems that host applications that process, transmit and/or store sensitive information.

Executing thorough penetration testing is a testament to an organisation’s dedication to safeguarding user data. Ordinance 722 defines penetration testing as systematically challenging the strength of network and application layers so that operators and suppliers can identify and rectify vulnerabilities.

The Continent 8 solution

Our Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) services provide comprehensive security assessments for a customer’s infrastructure and applications. The VAPT solution enables organisations to achieve regulatory compliance and understand their attack surface area, providing a strong foundation for strengthening security posture.

Key benefits include:

VAPT use case: Read how Continent 8 Technologies supports ODDSworks with cybersecurity audit and vulnerability assessment penetration test services.

A 360-degree cybersecurity approach

Ordinance 722 offers a set of ground rules from which iGaming and online sports betting operators and suppliers should start. Beyond the suggested checklist, operators and suppliers should also consider a holistic approach that ensures end-to-end protection against any security and cyber threat. A 360-degree defense strategy includes:

By referencing the SPA and MF’s Ordinance 722 policies and partnering with an experienced and trusted solutions provider like Continent 8, operators and suppliers can deploy multi-defense, multi-layer security protection strategies for their iGaming and online sports betting platform. This approach enables them to comply with Brazil’s latest technical and security regulations while demonstrating their commitment to providing secure and trustworthy gaming environments and experiences.

Continent 8 Technologies – your trusted partner

Continent 8 Technologies, the trusted managed hosting, connectivity, cloud and cybersecurity partner to the global iGaming and online sports betting industry for over 25 years, is live in every major regulated Latin American (LATAM) jurisdiction, including Brazil.

Operating out of the LATAM region since 2020, we offer operators and suppliers access to state-of-the-art data centers, connectivity to a global private network featuring 100+ locations across four continents and best-in-class managed and professional services to support the most demanding iGaming and online sports betting requirements.

Discover why Continent 8 is the go-to infrastructure and cybersecurity provider for leading LATAM operators and suppliers such as Betcris, Boldt, Bplay and Vibra Gaming, and learn how we ensure the seamless implementation of compliant and secure infrastructures so that your Brazilian gaming operations are live from day one.

For more information on how Continent 8 can support your organisation’s regulatory and cybersecurity requirements, contact Luana at

Em 2 de maio de 2024, a Secretaria de Prêmios e Apostas (SPA) e o Ministério da Fazenda (MF) emitiram a Portaria nº 722. Este conjunto de regulamentos define os critérios técnicos e de segurança essenciais que os operadores de iGaming e de apostas desportivas online devem cumprir no prazo de seis meses após a obtenção das suas licenças de jogo.

Em uma série de blogs nos próximos meses, Luana Monje, Executiva de Vendas da Continent 8 Technologies, examinará os vários requisitos para o iGaming regulamentado no Brasil. Em primeiro lugar, ela examina o requisito de teste de penetração, juntamente com outras considerações de segurança cibernética, em mais detalhes.

Realização de testes de penetração exaustivos para resolver potenciais deficiências

Portaria 722, Anexo IV, secção 41 – Testes de penetração: O objetivo dos testes de penetração é explorar quaisquer pontos fracos descobertos durante a avaliação de vulnerabilidades em quaisquer aplicações ou sistemas expostos publicamente que alojem aplicações que processem, transmitam e/ou armazenem informações sensíveis.

A realização de testes de penetração completos é uma prova da dedicação de uma organização à proteção dos dados dos utilizadores. A Portaria 722 define os testes de penetração como um desafio sistemático à força das camadas de rede e de aplicação para que os operadores e fornecedores possam identificar e retificar vulnerabilidades.

A solução Continente 8

Os nossos serviços de Avaliação de Vulnerabilidades e Testes de Penetração (VAPT) fornecem avaliações de segurança abrangentes para as infra-estruturas e aplicações de um cliente. A solução VAPT permite que as organizações atinjam a conformidade regulamentar e compreendam a sua área de superfície de ataque, fornecendo uma base sólida para reforçar a postura de segurança.

As principais vantagens incluem:

Caso de utilização VAPT (em inglês): Leia como a Continent 8 Technologies apoia a ODDSworks com serviços de auditoria de cibersegurança e teste de penetração de avaliação de vulnerabilidades..

Uma abordagem de cibersegurança a 360 graus

A portaria 722 oferece um conjunto de regras básicas a partir das quais os operadores e fornecedores de iGaming e de apostas desportivas em linha devem começar. Para além da lista de verificação sugerida, os operadores e fornecedores devem também considerar uma abordagem holística que garanta uma proteção completa contra qualquer ameaça à segurança e à cibersegurança. Uma estratégia de defesa de 360 graus inclui (ligações de produtos em inglês):

Ao fazer referência às políticas da SPA e da Portaria 722 do MF e fazer parceria com um provedor de soluções experiente e confiável como o Continente 8, operadores e fornecedores podem implantar estratégias de proteção de segurança multi-defesa e multi-camadas para sua plataforma de apostas esportivas iGaming e online. Essa abordagem permite que eles cumpram as mais recentes regulamentações técnicas e de segurança do Brasil, ao mesmo tempo em que demonstram seu compromisso em fornecer ambientes e experiências de jogos seguros e confiáveis.

Continent 8 Technologies – seu parceiro de confiança

A Continent 8 Technologies, parceira confiável de hospedagem gerenciada, conetividade, nuvem e segurança cibernética para a indústria global de iGaming e apostas esportivas online há mais de 25 anos, está ao vivo em todas as principais jurisdições regulamentadas da América Latina (LATAM), incluindo o Brasil.

Operando a partir da região LATAM desde 2020, oferecemos aos operadores e fornecedores acesso a centros de dados de última geração, conetividade a uma rede privada global com mais de 100 locais em quatro continentes e os melhores serviços gerenciados e profissionais da categoria para apoiar os requisitos mais exigentes de iGaming e apostas desportivas online.

Descubra por que o Continente 8 é o provedor de infraestrutura e segurança cibernética para os principais operadores e fornecedores da LATAM, como Betcris, Boldt, Bplay e Vibra Gaming, e saiba como garantimos a implementação perfeita de infraestruturas compatíveis e seguras para que suas operações de jogos brasileiras estejam ao vivo desde o primeiro dia.

Para obter mais informações sobre como o Continente 8 pode apoiar os requisitos regulatórios e de segurança cibernética da sua organização, visite ou contactar Luana em

Our Senior Cloud Solutions Architect Matteo Gabrielli wrote a brief blog of Continent 8’s LATAM marketing and services.

The Latin American (LATAM) iGaming and online sports betting market is growing rapidly, presenting both opportunities and unique technical challenges. As operators and suppliers expand into this market, they face critical decisions about infrastructure, compliance, and scalability. At Continent 8 Technologies, we guide customers through this complex landscape, leveraging our deep expertise in AWS (Amazon Web Services) solutions, on-premises infrastructure, networking, cybersecurity, and iGaming-specific technologies.

Understanding LATAM’s unique infrastructure landscape

One of the key characteristics of iGaming operations in the LATAM market is the approach many customers take to infrastructure deployment. While regulations vary across the region, many operators choose to serve the entire LATAM market from a single AWS location, such as US East (Virginia), US West (Oregon), or South America (São Paulo).

This centralized model, chosen by some of our customers, offers advantages in terms of operational simplicity and cost-effectiveness. However, it also requires careful planning to ensure performance, compliance, and scalability across diverse geographic and regulatory landscapes.

The Continent 8 advantage: global reach, local expertise

With over 25 years in the iGaming industry and a network spanning more than 100 locations across four continents, Continent 8 brings a unique blend of global reach and local knowledge to the table. Our presence in 30 US states, multiple Canadian provinces, and key locations across LATAM, Europe, and Asia allows us to offer comprehensive compliant solutions.

What sets us apart is our ability to be a single source provider for all regulated locations. Our team has a deep understanding of AWS architectures, on-premises infrastructure, networking intricacies, cybersecurity best practices, and hosting requirements specific to the iGaming industry. This expertise translates into consistent, high-quality implementations across your entire infrastructure stack.

Tailored solutions: beyond the one-size-fits-all approach

In the fast-changing iGaming and online sports betting landscape, generic solutions often fall short. That’s why we approach each customer engagement with a fresh perspective, considering not just current needs but future growth trajectories.

Our solutions include:

Continent 8 Cloud

Our cloud offering is purpose-built for iGaming, ensuring regulatory compliance while providing the flexibility and scalability needed in dynamic markets. It’s an ideal choice for operators looking for a fully managed, iGaming-specific solution.

Hybrid Architectures

Often, the best solution involves a strategic combination of Continent 8 and AWS resources, optimized for performance, compliance, and cost-effectiveness. This approach allows you to leverage the strengths of both platforms.

AWS-centric Solutions

For those preferring an AWS-focused approach, we design and implement solutions that take full advantage of AWS capabilities, complemented by our industry-specific expertise.

Our goal is not to push one platform over another, but to architect the solution that best fits your unique needs and growth plans.

Strategic architecture: future-proofing your infrastructure

One of the most common pitfalls we see in global expansions is the tendency to replicate entire deployments across different jurisdictions. While this approach might seem straightforward, it often leads to high costs, maintenance challenges, and scalability issues down the line.

Instead, we advocate for a more strategic approach:

Modular design with regulatory awareness

We break down your infrastructure into modular components, creating systems that can be easily replicated or scaled independently. Crucially, this design considers which components are subject to regulation and which are not, allowing for more efficient expansion into new markets without unnecessary duplication or compliance risks.

Centralized management, local compliance

We design solutions that centralize core components while ensuring local regulatory compliance. This strikes the right balance between operational efficiency and legal requirements.

Anticipating change

The iGaming regulatory landscape is constantly evolving. Our architectures are designed with flexibility in mind, allowing you to adapt quickly to new requirements or market opportunities.

Comprehensive support: your partner at every step

At Continent 8, we offer more than just infrastructure. Our team provides comprehensive support throughout your journey:

Performance at scale: the LATAM challenge

Operating across the LATAM region presents unique performance challenges. Latency, data sovereignty, and varying regulatory requirements all come into play. Our approach combines strategic use of the Continent 8 purpose-built network, AWS services, custom content delivery solutions, and optimized network routing to ensure a seamless user experience across the region.

Compliance without compromise

Navigating the regulatory landscape in LATAM requires a nuanced understanding of both regional and country-specific requirements. Our “Regul8 Guardrails” solution embeds compliance checks directly into your cloud infrastructure, ensuring that you maintain regulatory alignment even as you rapidly scale and expand.

Our regulatory affairs team’s proactive approach means you are not just compliant today, but well-positioned for the regulatory landscape of tomorrow. They work closely with our solution architects and account teams to ensure that compliance considerations are built into every aspect of your infrastructure.

Continuous optimization: the long game

The most critical aspect of our approach is the focus on long-term optimization. The infrastructure decisions you make today will have profound implications for your operational efficiency and competitiveness in the years to come.

Our team continuously monitors your systems, identifying opportunities for cost savings, performance enhancements, and architectural improvements. We have helped clients achieve significant cost reductions through strategic workload placement, rightsizing of resources, and implementation of scalable solutions tailored to the unique traffic patterns of iGaming applications.

Conclusion: your strategic Partner in LATAM and beyond

As you plan your entry or expansion in the flourishing LATAM iGaming market, remember that the right infrastructure strategy can be a powerful competitive advantage. At Continent 8, we bring a unique combination of iGaming industry knowledge, AWS expertise, on-premises infrastructure experience, networking proficiency, and cybersecurity best practices to every engagement.

We are not just here to provide technology – we are here to be your strategic partner in navigating the complexities of global expansion. From initial architecture design to ongoing optimization and support, our team is committed to your long-term success in LATAM and beyond.

Ready to craft a future-proof strategy for your iGaming operations? Let’s start a conversation about how we can align cutting-edge technology with your business objectives. Contact our team of experts at, and let’s build the foundation for your success in the dynamic LATAM market.

Learn more about our AWS solutions here.

Francisco Santos, Cloud Operations Manager at Continent 8 Technologies, alongside several of his colleagues in the global Cloud team, recently attended Nutanix .NEXT 2024. The event featured a full agenda of keynote presentations, game-changing breakouts, and hands-on demos, with a focus on how hybrid cloud unlocks the full potential of on-prem, private and public clouds.

Here, Francisco shares his key takeaways from the event.

Tell us about your impressions of Nutanix .NEXT 2024? What did you enjoy most about the show?

I was really impressed with the .NEXT event. I attended a smaller version last November, but this full version provided a lot more information about new products, features, and partnerships.

I had a great time meeting with the Nutanix team, checking out new features for the Nutanix AHV virtualisation and Nutanix NCM multi-cloud management platforms, and learning about how other companies are using Nutanix. It was also interesting to explore the services available from partners like RedHat, Suse and Parallel.

You presented a session titled “Creating Multi Tendency Offering with Nutanix.” How did that session go? What resonated the most with attendees?

The session was fantastic! We had over 100 attendees, and many people reached out afterward to learn more about our approach to building the multi-tenancy offering with Nutanix. The session covered how tenant operations are performed with NCM Self-Service, how to provide isolation with Flow Virtual Networking and VPCs, and even how to plan a migration from VMware to Nutanix AHV.

I think the session was timely given the recent changes to the new licensing model used by VMware Broadcom – a topic of concern for some. As a premier partner in Broadcom’s Partner Program for VMware Cloud Service Providers (VCSPs), we not only help customers migrate from non-virtualized and existing VMware infrastructure to fully managed and compliant clouds but also provide cost savings through licensing scalability and 24/7 support capability.

While at Nutanix .NEXT Nutanix, did you see a common themes, whether it was on the show floor or at the various speaking engagements?

During the event, I noticed that most of the topics revolved around containers, cybersecurity, AI and hybrid cloud as most of the companies are using public/private cloud to establish their environment and disaster recovery solutions. The use of containerised applications can assist customers in understanding how to decouple their applications and optimise their use of the public cloud.

Did you notice any other topics of interest? Do you have any final thoughts?

Hybrid cloud and AI are consistently the main topics covered at most cloud events, and Nutanix has some intriguing solutions available.

Overall, this was certainly an informative event, with a lot of great takeaways and customer interest. I look forward to attending next year’s Nutanix .NEXT event.

Continent 8 offers a comprehensive cloud offering that can support any cloud-based iGaming and online sports betting environment, tailored to the customer’s specific project requirements.

Learn how our cloud team can help simplify, optimise and reimagine your hyperscale, hybrid, public multi-tenant and private single-tenant cloud infrastructure – contact us today!

Continent 8 Technologies has experienced significant growth in recent years, with a global private network now featuring over 100 data centre locations.

In the latest edition of the Cultiv8 Employee Series, Leslie Eisener, SVP of Supply Chain and Logistics, spoke with Jordan Holmes, Director of Talent Operations, about the exciting challenges of managing a growing network, the fundamental role her team plays on the broader company operations, current and upcoming initiatives, and much more.

Hi Leslie! Can you tell us more about your role as SVP of Supply Chain and Logistics at Continent 8?

This is a fairly new role at Continent 8, and its creation came off the back of consistent growth, bringing the business to a point where it needed to build a solid foundation for a supply chain that didn’t previously exist. That we have had to establish a supply chain function to match the pace of growth we are experiencing and to provide a platform for the future is a testament to the success Continent 8 has enjoyed in recent years, especially with the opening of North America, and the trajectory it is set to follow.

Our supply chain needs are similar to other services companies and include procurement, logistics, vendor management and inventory, as well as aspects of planning. With more than 100 data centre sites across four continents, we have inventory and assets that need to be purchased, shipped, tracked and stored in locations around the world, so my focus is to build a robust supply chain by engaging the right people, building or enhancing processes and deploying the necessary tools to support our goals.

How will your previous experience benefit the role?

I’ve been really fortunate to hold roles in the supply chain and digital technology spaces over the past 30 years. The first part of my career was spent in the high-tech industry as a systems administrator before progressing to data centre management. I then did an MBA, which allowed me to change direction and pursue a career in supply chain. This combination of experience with hardware/software and supply chain makes this role at Continent 8 the perfect fit for me.

The supply chain challenges faced by a technology company can be unique. I have experienced first-hand shortages like semiconductors during the pandemic and the impact that had, so I understand how even the smallest issue can significantly impact the supply chain but, more importantly, what needs to be done to ensure it’s business as usual.

What attracted you to the role and to joining the Continent 8 team?

The provisioning of secure data center hosting solutions to the iGaming industry is intriguing, exciting and new to me, so the opportunity to join a thriving global business and build something from scratch within the sector was one that I couldn’t turn down. Continent 8’s growing need for a supply chain solution and the chance to devise and deploy a solution to meet this demand presents a challenge that I know my experience will allow me to meet head-on and avoid the pitfalls I’ve seen companies fall into during my previous roles. Building something first-hand is always tough but I do love the challenge it brings.

How do you and your team align with Continent 8’s culture and values of Active Ownership, Purposeful Creativity and Genuine Care?

So, approximately half of my team is new to the business, but the other half has invaluable experience that has fostered a nice blend of new eyes and energy mixed with wisdom and experience, and an understanding of Continent 8’s cultures and values. The team has had to embrace a great deal of change over the past year as we challenge the status quo, and they have done so enthusiastically. Everyone rolls up their sleeves and takes ownership to get things done while building better processes to work smarter and not just harder. This means taking an honest look at existing processes originally put in place when the company was smaller and then applying purposeful creativity to find better ways of doing things. We’ve spent many hours in whiteboarding sessions to develop new processes and streamline existing ones, but by doing this, we know that as we grow, we can continue to take active ownership of things we previously did not have the bandwidth or proper infrastructure to manage.

What makes Supply Chain and Logistics such a fundamental part of the wider Continent 8 business?

The supply chain is integral to the execution of our operations and the solutions and services we provide to our customers. We need to be able to find and onboard the best suppliers and ensure that products and services are flowing efficiently across our organisation in the most cost-effective way. As we continue to grow at speed, we must build strong partnerships with the suppliers that facilitate this growth while safeguarding against risks – of which there are many. With more than 100 data centres worldwide and counting, our logistics team has become a core and critical component in delivering the award-winning solutions we provide to operators and suppliers.

Can you talk through some of the new initiatives you and the team will be working on?

When I first joined Continent 8, the supply chain function consisted of a small but hard-working procurement team while logistics and inventory responsibilities were dispersed throughout the company. Relationships with our strategic suppliers fell mostly outside of that team, leaving the tactical purchasing work to be handled by procurement. Since joining, I have focused on several key areas while still trying to control the rate of change so that it’s manageable and achievable.

Some of these include building out a talented team of specialists, streamlining processes, implementing an inventory management system, and augmenting strategic relationships with our top suppliers by creating senior vendor manager roles.

Strong relationships with key stakeholders are an important part of Supply Chain and Logistics. How do you approach this?

This will be key to our success. Everything in the supply chain is new or changing, and this is why we need to gain buy-in from all stakeholders. To do this, we need to over-communicate these changes. If we can demonstrate the value of the changes we are making, we will have less resistance – and change always brings about plenty of this. The supply chain can add a lot of value to an organisation so long as it’s deployed and managed in an inclusive and collaborative environment. Luckily for me, the leadership team at Continent 8 is very open to change and has offered a great deal of support through the process – I regularly meet with members of the senior management team and have taken opportunities to present at meetings to show how the investment in the supply chain is evolving and the tremendous value it is bringing.

Join Craig Lusher from our Secure team as he takes a deep dive in the latest DDoS stat from the first quarter of the year

The quarterly numbers

It’s been a quiet start to the year in terms of the number of DDoS attacks being launched against Continent 8 customers. In the first three months of 2024, we recorded just 58 attacks across 14 customers compared to the 184 recorded during the same period in 2023.

The year started with 17 attacks recorded in January, almost doubling to 30 in February before dropping back down to 15 in March – this compares with 116, 34 and 34 in January, February and March 2023 respectively.

The fluctuation in attack numbers over the first three months of the year suggests varying attack campaigns targeting different customers. Interestingly, the highest number of attacks were launched against customers based in Kahnawake.

The intensity of attacks was far less ferocious than in previous quarters where we registered attacks over 1Tbps – in 1Q24 it was a far more manageable 3Gbps. Throughout the quarter, the average size of attack was <1Gbps which is a record low for Continent 8 in recent years.

While the size of attacks is on the low side, the disparity between the largest and the average is significant and suggests that while most attacks were smaller there were some outliers (including the 3Gbps attack) that increased the average in February and March.

Of the customers attacked over the first three months of the year, one customer was subject to 25 attacks making it the most targeted. This indicates that specific customer was victim to a persistent targeted attack, which is why we recommend organisations deploy our DDoS Mitigation Service.

It also highlights that some organisations are at greater risk than others and may require additional protective measures depending on the products and services they offer and the markets they are active in.

While the scale of attacks was moderate by global standards, their frequency and duration are cause for concern. That total attack duration for Q1 amounted to 36.6 hours, with the longest attack lasting a total of 2.1 hours resulting in an average attack length of 38 minutes for the quarter.

Such durations can strain resources for unprotected customers and potentially lead to significant disruptions if critical systems or services are targeted.

DDoS protection – a must-have

Despite a drop in the number of DDoS attacks on our customers in the iGaming and sports betting industry, the need for DDoS protection is still paramount, especially for customers who are more susceptible and vulnerable to attack. This is certainly the case as we move toward a summer of major sports events including the Olympics and UEFA Euro 2024.

DDoS protection should form part of a wider, multi-layered approach to cybersecurity that also includes WAF/WAAP protection, backup solutions, MDR/EDR services, VAPT assessments, mobile device and phishing defence as well as SIEM and SOC resources.

This is the only way to have multiple protections in place for each attack type, including DDoS, and to ensure the greatest level of resilience.

Of course, our data and analysis should also be used to inform cybersecurity strategies moving forward and for resource allocation for DDoS mitigation efforts.

Continent 8’s DDoS protection

Our DDoS solution continues to evolve and in recent months we have amplified our scrubbing capacity to 2.5+Tbps, as well as increased our scrubbing centres geographically deployed across multiple continents. Locations include Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Miami, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Singapore, Hong Kong and Sao Paulo.

Key features of our mitigation solution:

To learn more about how Continent 8 can help defend your organisation against DDoS attacks, contact a member of the team via or fill out the form on our Contact Us page

In today’s business landscape, accepting credit cards is crucial for competitiveness. This is especially true in sectors like online gambling.

Increasing incidents of credit card fraud, identity theft and data breaches have pushed businesses to employ a secure environment for card transactions. Failure to protect this sensitive information can result in a loss of trust from customers towards both merchants and financial institutions.

As a bridge to ensuring this trust and security, adherence to the Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards becomes essential. Every credit card transaction processed by your business needs the protection these standards offer. For online gambling businesses, where transaction volume and frequency are notably high, this compliance is even more crucial.

However, irrespective of the size of your online gambling business, all businesses, from start-ups to large corporations, must comply. This ensures the security of your customers’ cardholder information and maintains your standing as a trustworthy organization in the online gambling space.

PCI compliance: An overview

PCI compliance is a set of security standards designed to protect card transactions against data theft and fraud. It is established by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). The standards are comprehensive, covering a wide range of security measures to ensure the safe handling of sensitive data.

Significant revisions and updates have been made to the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) in its version 4.0, released in the first quarter of 2022.

In January 2022, a draft preview of the standard was provided to Participating Organizations, Qualified Security Assessors (QSAs) and Approved Scanning Vendors (ASVs). The council then released the final versions of the standard, which included validation documents and the initial phase of standard translations, for March 2022.

Notably, PCI DSS v3.2.1 will remain in effect until March 31, 2024. This transition period of two years allows organizations time to adapt and implement the new standards. After this period, PCI DSS v3.2.1 will be retired and v4.0 will become the exclusive active version of the standard.

PCI DSS 4.0 introduced a variety of updates since its inception. Key points among these updates are:

  1. Evolved terminology for network security: The standard has shifted its terminology from “firewalls” to “network security controls.” This change acknowledges a wider array of technological solutions that achieve the security outcomes traditionally associated with firewalls.
  2. Broadening of requirement 8: Requirement 8 now encompasses the implementation of multi-factor authentication (MFA) for any access to the cardholder data environment. This expansion signifies a stronger emphasis on authentication measures.
  3. Enhanced flexibility in compliance: The revised standard offers greater flexibility, allowing organizations to demonstrate compliance through various methods tailored to their specific security goals.
  4. Introduction of targeted risk analyses: Organizations are now granted the latitude to decide the frequency of certain security activities. This addition is designed to align security practices more closely with each entity’s unique business needs and risk profile.

PCI’s Web Application Firewall

Under PCI 4.0, the role of Web Application Firewalls (WAF) in securing online platforms is more pronounced. A WAF is a security system that monitors, filters and blocks potentially harmful traffic to and from a web application. It acts as a gatekeeper, ensuring that only safe traffic reaches the application, which is crucial for online gambling sites handling sensitive user data.

A WAF is particularly effective in protecting against common web attacks. These include SQL injection, cross-site scripting and other vulnerabilities that can be exploited to gain unauthorized access to data.

The PCI DSS outlines specific criteria regarding WAFs to bolster online security. One of those criteria is Requirement 6.4.2, which necessitates the deployment of an automated tool dedicated to continuously detecting and thwarting web-based attacks targeting web applications. This is a significant enhancement from the previous requirement that only called for periodic vulnerability scans of web applications.

Another critical aspect is Requirement 6.6, which stipulates that all web-facing applications must be shielded from known threats. This can be achieved through several methods. One option is to conduct a thorough analysis of all custom application codes for common vulnerabilities, undertaken either by the organization itself or by an external expert specializing in application security.

Alternatively, organizations can install an application-layer firewall as a frontline defence for their web-facing applications. The use of automated source code review tools, along with both automated and manual web vulnerability assessment tools, is also a viable approach.

When opting for a WAF, ensure that it is configured correctly to provide effective protection. However, it’s crucial to note that merely employing a WAF is not sufficient to fulfill the entire spectrum of PCI DSS’s web application security requirements. Comprehensive strategies encompassing multiple layers of security measures are necessary to fully adhere to these standards.

Plan with Continent 8 Technologies

Understanding and adhering to the intricate requirements of PCI compliance might seem daunting, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

For businesses in the online gambling sector, it’s essential to evaluate your current security measures critically. Are your web-facing applications adequately protected against potential threats? If the answer is anything but a “yes,” you should start planning to get it done.

Planning ahead is vital to ensure that your business not only complies with PCI requirements but is also fortified against a broad spectrum of cyber threats. By taking proactive steps now, you can secure your operations and maintain the trust of your customers in this rapidly evolving digital landscape.

This is where C8 Secure steps in. We offer comprehensive Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) solutions tailored to the unique needs of online gambling enterprises. Our services are designed to provide robust security layers, encompassing everything from automated vulnerability assessments to advanced application-layer firewalls. By leveraging these solutions, you can safeguard your web applications against both known and emerging threats.

Our WAAP solutions represent a proactive approach to online security that aligns with the stringent standards set by the PCI and beyond.

To support operators ensure they are PCI compliant, Continent 8 is offering 3 months FREE WAAP services for the first 50 customers to sign up to a 15-month contract*.

Learn more here: Waap solution for PCI compliance


*T&Cs apply. Limited-time offer; subject to change. First 3 months free, when signing up to a 15 month contract.

Super Bowl LVIII between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs on 11 February 2024 at the Allegiant Stadium was the first Super Bowl to be held in the state of Nevada, and the second ever to be decided in overtime. The event boasted record views of around 124 million (up from 113 million last year), with watchers enjoying the longest Super Bowl in history!

It was also a record-breaking 2024 in gambling terms, with an estimated 68 million US adults betting $23.1 billion, compared to last year’s 50.4 million US adults and $16 billion in bets, and a reported 11% increase in wagers across UK & Europe as NFL popularity grows outside the US.

This year also saw at least one $1m bet and a six-figure wager on the coin flip (it landed on tails BTW).

If we look at a few operators, FanDuel reported record $14 million bets on the Super Bowl with a total handle of $307 million, Entain reported 74% YoY increase in quantity of bets in the UK alone, and in Nevada itself, the Gaming Control Board reported a record breaking $185.6m wagered across 182 sportsbooks.

As the largest network, infrastructure and security supplier to the US and global market, Continent 8 can report its stats for Super Bowl LVIII:

Being prepared for a surge in betting

Continent 8 is no stranger to supporting high-traffic sporting contests. Whether it is annually for the Grand National or Cheltenham horse racing events in the UK and Ireland, the UEFA Champions League across Europe, March Madness in the US, or every four years for the UEFA Euro finals or FIFA World Cup, we know what it takes to ensure platform uptime.

As the infrastructure and hosting solution partner of choice to iGaming and sports betting operators and suppliers, live in 30 US states, and supporting 85% of operators on the 2023 EGR US Power Rankings, we have in place the solutions and support systems that ultimately give operators the confidence they need to maximize the acquisition and retention opportunities these events present.

As standard for identified special sporting events, we:

In addition to this:

What’s key throughout is ensuring our customers are aware of all activity with notifications regularly sent such as internet and MPLS data, as well as average and maximum traffic in and out.

The Super Bowl is a huge event for sportsbooks, particularly now that the US has opened up online gambling in more than 30 states.

And after a very short amount of breathing space, we prepare for March Madness in the same vein!

Why choose Continent 8 for iGaming hosting in the USA?

Live in 30 states

Our expansion in the US began with a state-of-the-art data centre in Atlantic City, enabling customers to take advantage of the sports betting market opportunities in New Jersey, while gaining immediate access to the Continent 8 global network. Today we are live in 30 US states, with several new states in the pipeline. What’s more, we have secondary sites in several key US states, providing true disaster recovery capabilities.


We have an aggressive strategy to ensure we are the first iGaming hosting provider in state, enabling our customers to capitalise on the fast-growing and competitive US iGaming and sports betting market.

Regulated and compliant

We have vast regulatory experience with strong regulator relationships across states, ensuring a complaint gaming solution for each.

Growing global team

We are a global team with a local presence – we ensure we have a team on the ground in the US to help you expand.

Learn more about our trusted solutions in the USA here or contact the team via

Sources: ESPN, EGR

Craig Lusher, Product Principal [Secure Solutions], discusses the recently uncovered iOS Trojan designed to steal users’ facial recognition data, identify documents, and intercept SMS.

In an era where digital threats are increasingly sophisticated, the discovery of the GoldFactory iOS Trojan, as reported by Group-IB, underscores a critical challenge for businesses and individuals alike. This advanced iOS Trojan, designed to infiltrate iPhones through malicious applications, represents a significant escalation in the cyber threat landscape, particularly for users who assume iOS devices are immune to such risks.

The Trojan, named GoldFactory, exploits a method that bypasses Apple’s stringent app review process, enabling cybercriminals to distribute their malicious software via seemingly benign applications. Once installed, GoldFactory can execute a range of malicious activities, from stealing sensitive facial biometric information to executing phishing attacks, posing a substantial risk to data security and privacy.

Continent 8’s response with Mobile Protect

In response to evolving mobile threats like GoldFactory, Continent 8 Technologies’ Mobile Protect service stands as a defence against mobile cyber threats. Our solution is designed to safeguard iOS and Android devices against a wide spectrum of cyber attacks, including sophisticated Trojans, malware, and phishing schemes.

Mobile Protect leverages cutting-edge technology to provide real-time threat detection and response, ensuring that even the most advanced Trojans, such as GoldFactory, are identified and neutralised before they can inflict harm. The service employs a multi-layered security approach, combining endpoint protection with continuous monitoring and threat intelligence, to offer comprehensive protection for mobile devices.

Addressing business challenges

The advent of Trojans like GoldFactory presents significant business challenges, from the risk of data breaches and financial loss to reputational damage. Continent 8’s Mobile Protect service directly addresses these challenges by:

  1. Ensuring data privacy and security: Mobile Protect guards sensitive data against unauthorised access and theft, crucial for maintaining customer trust and complying with data protection regulations.
  2. Enhancing operational resilience: By safeguarding mobile devices against cyber threats, businesses can ensure uninterrupted operations, protecting against the downtime and financial losses associated with cyber attacks.
  3. Supporting compliance efforts: Mobile Protect aids businesses in meeting compliance requirements, like GDPR, offering peace of mind in an increasingly regulated digital environment.

The detection of the GoldFactory iOS Trojan serves as a stark reminder of the evolving cyber threat landscape and the need for robust security measures. Continent 8 Technologies, through its Mobile Protect service, offers an effective solution to these challenges, providing iGaming casino and sportsbook businesses and their mobile users with the highest level of protection against mobile cyber threats.

As cybercriminals continue to innovate, the importance of proactive and comprehensive security measures cannot be overstated. With Mobile Protect, Continent 8 Technologies reaffirms its commitment to securing the digital frontier, ensuring that businesses can operate with confidence in a connected world.

To learn more about Mobile Protect click here or reach out to a member of the team via

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