Continent 8 Internship: Meet Fadi Albasha

Meet Fadi Albasha, our Data Analyst Intern based in Montreal! Fadi, who is currently a software engineering student at Concordia University, enjoys biking, hiking, kayaking and enjoying the beautiful Canadian countryside. Having now been with the team for a few weeks, we caught up with him to see how he’s enjoying his new role.

Why did you choose to conduct your internship at Continent 8?

“The offered job description was of great interest to me, as a Data Analyst Intern, I would be able to give meaning to data. My interest in the company only grew after visiting the Continent 8 website and reading about the services the company provides and the global presence that it has. I knew that conducting an internship at Continent 8 would be a great start to my career. Finally, during my job interview, I sensed a friendly work atmosphere that I believed would help develop my skills.”

What does your day-to-day role as a Data Analyst Intern involve?

“Data analysis is all about querying data, so I usually spend most of my day going through data from different sources and writing queries. These queries merge, filter, slice and perform statistical operations on raw data to transform it into useful information. I also spend part of my day in meetings with my supervisor where we discuss the results of my work, and he makes sure I am still on the right track and offers some advice on where things can be improved.”

What skills do you hope to develop during your time at Continent 8?

“As this is my first work experience in the field of software engineering, I am looking to learn how software development projects are accomplished in a real-world work settings. Also, as I am “getting my hands dirty” in software development problems, I am expecting to improve my problem-solving skill and gain planning/prioritizing skills. Moreover, I am confident that the friendly atmosphere at Continent 8 is going to help me improve my teamwork and communication skills.”

What has been your highlight so far?

“From the start of my internship. I dove right into real life data and created dashboards that teams will be using in their day to day life. A highlight so far, was the ability to assist in a company-wide presentation, where I demoed a couple of dashboards. This is helping me gain confidence doing presentations and improve my communication skills in a real-life setting.”


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