Continent 8 seeks to boost efficient and transparent growth within the industry (Yogonet Gaming News)

In an interview published by Yogonet Gaming News on December 10, Continent 8 Technologies Account Director, Mario Dealba, discusses SAGSE Buenos Aires and Continent 8’s expanding presence in South America.

YOGONET GAMING NEWS –In an exclusive interview with Yogonet, Mario Dealba, Account Director of Continent 8 said that one of the main goals of the company’s presence at SAGSE was to have a closer look at the regulatory processes taking place in Argentina, especially in the jurisdictions of Buenos Aires City, Buenos Aires Province, and Mendoza, among others. “We are specifically interested in the cybersecurity aspects of future regulations. We are also looking to explore and get to know which operators are interested in entering the market, and let them know we are ready to open our private ​​global network to help the Argentine market.”

When asked about the different regulatory schemes across the globe, Dealba explained that each jurisdiction is different in the sense that some aspects work in some regions and not in others, but what every legislation has in common is that “they all have direct contact with Continent 8 and that is what makes us so special. We work together with the technology teams of regulators throughout the world and we serve as free consultants in topics related to internet networks, cybersecurity, and hosting, among others,” he added. “We hope that Argentine regulators are able to take advantage of our services and get to know the technologies used across the globe and decide which of them could be implemented within the region. We want to help the industry move forward in a transparent and efficient manner.”

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